What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion, THE best mechanical form of exfoliation on the market uses ultra fine micro-crystals to exfoliate the skin. Amongst other benefits it helps to unblock pores and stimulates collagen production thus helping rejuvenate the skin, reduce acne and slow the aging process..

Many of us are self-conscious when it comes to ageing and as much as we are told to grow old gracefully, sometimes the ageing process can be a hard one to deal with - I know myself! If you are considering Microdermabrasion here’s everything you need to know.

We’re all looking for a treatment that actually works and microdermabrasion treatments polish and soften the skin, thus reducing fine lines and age spots on the face. The process is used to treat areas prone to fine lines and wrinkles. Often these lines are next to the eyes, on the cheeks, on the forehead, and the area around the mouth… anywhere there are lines Microdermbrasion can target!!

So, What Exactly is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion, meaning literally ‘small skin wearing away’ is an intense exfoliating treatment that uses tiny crystals to buff away the very outer layer of skin cells to reveal the fresh, new skin beneath. Microdermabrasion treatment also benefits from a vacuum action which stimulates the micro-circulation and increases blood flow to the treatment area. 

The Microdermabrasion facial works by targeting the top layers of the skin called the “epidermis”. As new cells are created, they push the older, ageing dead cells up and eventually off the body in a process known as desquamation - natural shedding of the skin.

Skin Concerns

As well as treating ageing, It is also very effective for more stubborn skin concerns including acne, acne scarring, and pigmentation. Microdermabrasion treatment for acne sufferers is very effective, unblocking clogged pores, increasing blood flow to the area and promoting healing to remove pigmentation caused by spots and breakouts. How often you have microdermabrasion treatments will affect the results you achieve. We recommend a course of 6-8 facials carried out at intervals of 7-10 days. For acne and acne scarring, more treatments may be required up to a maximum of 20 in a course. 

After treatment

Microdermabrasion aftercare is also important to achieve the best results from a course of treatments. Your skin will benefit from regular applications of moisturiser and use an SPF to protect the freshly exfoliated skin from the elements.

Benefits of Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a fantastic way to rejuvenate skin. Removal of dead skin cells reveals the younger cells below and allows Skincare products to absorb into the skin more effectively. Your complexion will immediately look fresher and more radiant. 

It  is a gentle and effective way to achieve a clean, smooth and radiant complexion.


Microdermabrasion is chemical-free and non-invasive with no nasties and no needles, and yet it can achieve amazing results for a number of skin concerns revealing younger, healthier-looking skin from the very first treatment. 

No downtime

 There might be some mild redness after your microdermabrasion but for most people, this should disappear pretty quickly, so you can get straight back to your day. Remember to keep well hydrated and moisturise regularly and wear and SPF after treatment.

Enhances healing

If you suffer from spots and breakouts, Microdermabrasion will help these heal more quickly and reduce the redness and inflammation by stimulating the circulation and encouraging new collagen production.

Prevent further breakouts

Microdermabrasion’s deep cleansing action helps to remove excess oil, which can otherwise settle in the pores and cause blockages and blackheads, leading to spots. 

Skincare products absorb easily

Exfoliating away all the old skin allows much better absorption of products after a microdermabrasion treatment.

Makeup applies more evenly

The newly exfoliated skin means that when you come to apply your makeup (we advise waiting 12 hours but you can use mineral makeup if you can’t go without), it will glide on smoothly and evenly.

Is microdermabrasion an effective anti-wrinkle treatment?

Microdermabrasion is very effective as an anti-wrinkle treatment, it is literally the answer to younger looking skin. Noticeable after just one ‘fine line busting’ treatment, Microdermabrasion leaves wrinkled skin looking fresh and smooth as soon as the treatment is over. With microdermabrasion treatment, there is no recovery time and no discomfort – only a noticeable difference to fine lines and wrinkles. Its the perfect lunchtime facial (you can be back at work, fine line free, within the hour!)


HELP! I have an uneven skin tone and blotchy skin – will microdermabrasion help?

Lots of us suffer from an uneven skin tone, and it can make some people very self-conscious, especially when we begin to notice skin spots and blotchy skin. Microdermabrasion is fantastic for dealing with these concerns and it’s not just for the face. It can also target areas on your body that you are self-conscious of…. bacial anyone??? (Facial for the back… Amazing treatment and very effective on back acne)

Because most uneven skin tones are superficial, microdermabrasion is usually the first treatment option people go for. This directly affects the outer layer of skin causing it to break away, aiding in lightening or removing unwanted pigments and revealing a gorgeous even skin tone beneath.

  • Smoothes redness and uneven skin tone

  • Rejuvenates sun damaged and brown patches on the skin

  • Can be used on any skin type – dark, light and even sensitive skin types

  • Deep cleansing of pores for clearer, fresher, younger and more even-looking skin

  • Results visible on uneven skin tone from even the very first Facial treatment.

Why Microdermabrasion as a treatment for acne & acne scarring?

  • Reduced acne scarring

  • Improved skin appearance and texture

  • Improvement of skin and acne scarring from the very first session

  • Completely painless procedure

  • Relaxing treatment

  • Calms red and uneven skin tone leaving you with glowing, revitalized skin

So what are you waiting for?? Book your Microdermabrasion treatment with us now!!

Call: (051) 301 874 Email : Info@beautorium.ie


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